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Reply from andreasschwarz on Nov 27 at 8:45 AM Hi Marcelo, Shipment cost document type is YEU1 (custom) We have 7 custom item categories (Z001-Z007) We have 3 subitems (delivery, HU, freight cost item) ZZF1/ZZF2 (depending on shipment cost type - for preleg we have ZZF1 , for mainleg we have ZZF2) ZZF1/ZZF2 should calculate to sum of each item line (per item category) and yes we have formula assigned to them. What we would like to have that also a total sum of all line items (over all existing item categories) is built and then transferred into invoice. Thanks, Andreas
| | | ---------------Original Message--------------- From: Marcelo Preuss Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2014 12:27 PM Subject: Multiple Lines It Shipment Cost Document Not Transferred It On Customer Invoice Andreas.... Sorry but it's a bit confused to realize. Try to describe using our usual structure of Cost Freight Document. Shipment Cost (document type) - Shipment Cost Item Category (how many?) --Shipmento Cost SUB-ITEM (how many? informing TAB name as well) ---What Condition Type ZZF1 and ZZF2 should calculate? Where and which grand total should be populated? Do you have any Z formula assigned to those Conditions? Regards, Marcelo Preuss | | Reply to this email to post your response. __.____._ | In the Spotlight Become a blogger at and share your expertise with the community. Start today. _.____.__ |