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RE:[sap-log-sd] Historic Sales Orders With Ship To Address

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Reply from jhanner on Nov 28 at 6:03 PM
Hi Chris,

VA05 can be configured to include the Ship To.

Go to into configuration \Sales and Distribution\Sales\Lists.
1) Go to "Set updating of Partner Index"
2) Add a new entry "0" "SH"
3) Once configuration is moved into a client, you will need to run the
following job to update the index table to include jobs created before this
configuration change was added. The job is RVV05IVB. Note that you cannot
set a time period to update. You need to determine that by finding a
document number that represents the earliest time period you wish to
include to the last number created before the change.

Let me know if you have any questions. We just did this about two months
ago and has been a help.

Thanks much,

---------------Original Message---------------
From: ChrisO
Sent: Friday, November 28, 2014 2:35 PM
Subject: Historic Sales Orders With Ship To Address

VA05 won't provide ship-top info. You need a delivery report, not a sales report. VL06 will show the ship-to identity and 'location', in a list, for any sold-to selection for any period, but it won't show the actual address (i.e. street name, town/city, region, country). But you could use this report and then extract the list and run a look up to an address list for ship-tos.


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