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Re: [sap-log-pp] Reservation Deletion Mark and Final Issue Tick Mark Set

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Reply from SHANMUGAM on Nov 28 at 10:31 PM
Dear Kumar,

The final issue mark and deletion marks indicate that the reservation is
closed. So you can not use this reservation for issue posting. You may
run MRP (MD61 - For Sale order) to get new reservation and then process.


shyamrocky007 wrote:

> Question from shyamrocky007 on Nov 28 at 8:46 AM
> Dear Users,
> Reservation deletion mark and final issue tick mark set but still due
> to this reservation Im not able to issue goods against sales order. So
> I have checked in MMBE and selected detailed list and then selected
> reservation from it. In that I found that diffrence quantity in
> reservation is still exist. Please provide a solution on this how to
> issue goods and it is automatically created reservation.
> Thanks,
> Kumar
> Reply to this email to post your response.

---------------Original Message---------------
From: shyamrocky007
Sent: Friday, November 28, 2014 8:54 AM
Subject: Reservation Deletion Mark and Final Issue Tick Mark Set

Dear Users,

Reservation deletion mark and final issue tick mark set but still due to this reservation Im not able to issue goods against sales order. So I have checked in MMBE and selected detailed list and then selected reservation from it. In that I found that diffrence quantity in reservation is still exist. Please provide a solution on this how to issue goods and it is automatically created reservation.


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