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RE:[sap-log-wm] Transaction VLMOVE

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Reply from Sunny_boy on Nov 28 at 2:40 PM
It's always a mess with HU's (terrible functionality in these cases!).
Book the full HU to IM, book the 54 back to WM and pack the IBD with the HU you moved to IM (so re-use the HU). Block the 46 on IM level and book over to WM you will for that one make a new HU.
But...of course you can do this via HU02 (which you strangely do not want to use). VLMOVE will do about the same trick.
I would do HU02, unpack to S99 or whatever and repack 54.
Best trick: make a Z-program that does what I described above.

---------------Original Message---------------
From: Knud Erik Kirkegaard
Sent: Friday, November 28, 2014 8:51 AM
Subject: Transaction VLMOVE

Would there be an expert out there, who can guide me through the usage of VLMOVE, or an equivalent transaction, to obtain the correct result described in the following scenario.

On the HUM warehouse we have a pallet holding one material. Some of it were damaged by a truck hitting the pallet. 46 out of 100 were not harmed, but we need to block the remaining items on that pallet. We can't just move the items, so the operation needs to take place on the pallet (HU)

The repack functionality (HU02) is not an option

The warehouse is running WM and HUM

Knud Erik Kirkegaard

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