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Reply from ananth_e on Jan 25 at 5:55 AM Hi Felipe, You need to change the uwl.webflow.xml file which you will find in the workflow portal configuration. Look for the userdecision task number (TS90001234) in that file and make changes as below. <Actions> <Action name="TESTACTION1" groupAction="yes" handler="UserDecisionHandler" returnToDetailViewAllowed="yes" launchInNewWindow="no"> <Properties> <Property name="UserDecisionNote" value="true"/> <Property name="decisionKey" value="1"/> <Property name="UserDecisionTitle" value="Please make an approval decision"/> </Properties> <Descriptions default="Recommend Increment"> <ShortDescriptions> <Description Language="en" Description="Recommend Increment"/> </ShortDescriptions> <LongDescriptions> <Description Language="en" Description="Recommend Increment by clicking the button."/> </LongDescriptions> </Descriptions> </Action> <Action name="TESTACTION2" groupAction="yes" handler="UserDecisionHandler" returnToDetailViewAllowed="yes" launchInNewWindow="no"> <Properties> <Property name="UserDecisionNote" value="mandatory"/> <Property name="decisionKey" value="2"/> </Properties> <Descriptions default="Defer Increment"> <ShortDescriptions> <Description Language="en" Description="Defer Increment"/> </ShortDescriptions> <LongDescriptions> <Description Language="en" Description="Defer Increment"/> </LongDescriptions> </Descriptions> </Action> </Actions> After you make the changes, upload the xml file and once it is successfully uploaded. Clear the cache. Once the reject button is clicked, it will ask the user to make entry in the userdecision note. Revert if you need more information. Regards Ananth
| | | ---------------Original Message--------------- From: Felipe Uribe Sent: Friday, January 24, 2014 3:56 PM Subject: Workflow ESS: Mandatory Text for Rejecting Task in User Decision is Not Displayed in ESS Hello every one. I'm Using Portal ESS with SAP Vs 6 (ERP 6 EP 6 and Portal 7.31) and I developed a Workflow for BUS2089 (TRIP), the problem I have is: The Workflow has a user decision in which I modeled for rejecting option a mandatory text (Justification) to be placed when the user choice this option. If I create a TRIP and I execute the Workitem using the ERP, the Workflow ask for justification in a mandatory PopUp after the rejection option is selected, , but if I execute the Workitem using Portal ESS, the option for mandatory text after rejecting the task, is not displayed. There's a different behavior between the ERP and ESS using this option in a User Decision in Workflow. Any suggestion? Thanks a lot | | Reply to this email to post your response. __.____._ | In the Spotlight Become a blogger at and share your expertise with the community. Start today. _.____.__ |