Question from ShahidLatif_CAN on Dec 15 at 5:55 AM I would appreciate if somebody could give me a suggestion on this. I am very new to BW, and I have been struggling with this for some time now. I would appreciate all the help I can get here. Thanks. Here's what I have done so far : I have created an InfoSet query on table : BSEG. Then created a Generic DataSource (ZBSEG_DataSource) , which is based on the above, and then have appended one transaction data field (ZZBKTXT) to it, coming out of table : BKPF. Checked RSA3 before and after doing the CMOD enhancement, and everything was looking good (as far as the data retrieval goes). Here is the coding I did in CMOD (for your reference only). I had tweaked a bit (took out the line below from the coding), since the pdf file DataSource was based on 0FI_GL_4, and I simply couldn't get a way to copy that DataSource (didn't have authorization to change it); and I couldn't find the field "fiscper" in BSEG, since it is a field coming out of structure, I believe. AND gjahr = l_s_ZOXID30328-fiscper+0(4). My Coding : DATA: l_s_ZOXID30328 LIKE ZOXID30328, CASE i_datasource. WHEN 'ZBSEG_DATASOURCE'. LOOP AT c_t_data INTO l_s_ZOXID30328. l_tabix = sy-tabix. SELECT SINGLE bktxt FROM bkpf INTO l_s_ZOXID30328-zzbktxt WHERE bukrs = l_s_ZOXID30328-bukrs AND belnr = l_s_ZOXID30328-belnr. MODIFY c_t_data FROM l_s_ZOXID30328 INDEX l_tabix. ENDLOOP. WHEN OTHERS. EXIT. ENDCASE. ? Next, replicated DataSources in BW system. ? Activated "ZBSEG_DATASOURCE" in RSDS in the BW System. ? Checked the connection between R/3 & BW -? It was good; both system were talking to each other. ? Created the InfoObject (ZBKTXT1) in RSD1. ? Created "Transformation" under "Text" of the above InfoObject "ZBKTXT1". ? "Mapped" the field "ZZBKTXT (Doc. Header Text)" from the DataSource (ZBSEG_DATASOURCE), to the field "ZBKTXT1" of the target InfoObject "ZBKTXT1". ? Saved & Activated. ? Created "DTP" under "Text" of the above InfoObject "ZBKTXT1". ? Under "Extraction" tab, changed the "Extraction Mode" to "Full". ? Under "Update" tab, changed to "Update Valid Records, Reporting Possible (Request Green). ? Saved & Activated. ? Went under DTP's DataSource "ZBSEG_DATASOURCE", created "InfoPackage", "Saved", and "Started" extraction. ? Came out, waited a few minutes, and then selected "ZBSEG_DATASOURCE" under "DTP's" DataSource, & called on to the "Call the Monitor For BW Object", in the middle. ? Checked the data under "Status" & "Details" tab. Now after doing all the above, I know I have done a couple of mistakes but at that point I wasn't sure how to resolve them at that time: # 1 : I should have fields in my Target InfoObject (ZBKTXT1), to map them with all the fields coming out of my Source DataSource (ZBSEG_DATASOURCE), but the pdf version didn't give me details how to do it in T-code : RSD1, since the author was relying on the fact that he is using the BW 3.x, and during his "Transfer Rules" section, all those fields will automatically be there for his "Target" InfoObject (ZBKTXT1). For me, it didn't quiet work like that. So, the question I have for you is this that, lets say if I were to follow the directions of the author / pdf, and used T-code RSD1 to create the Target InfoObject (ZBKTXT1), for next time, how would I incorporate all those fields in this Target InfoObject to match them with the Source DataSource (ZBSEG_DATASOURCE), at that point. When I was creating the Target InfoObject, I got an option of "Reference Object" (like to copy the reference of an Object to create this new Target InfoObject), but in there, I was only getting an option to reference any of the "InfoObject" in the system, and NOT any DataSource. And, if later on, I don't want to goto the Target InfoObject, and put all the fields in there, one by one, to match my Source - DataSource (ZBSEG_DATASOURCE), is there another way of doing it ? Errors : A - For the fields below in DataSource (ZBSEG_DATASOURCE) in BW system, I have the missing description, to those fields (as part of my errors). But, when I checked the same fields for descriptions in the Source System (R/3), they were fine, and didn't have any description missing in them. Fields w/ missing descriptions : TXBHW - Original Tax Base Amount ; Data Type : Currency (This above field is referencing to field : WAERS002 - Currency Key ; Data Type : Currency) which is also there in the DataSource, in the BW System. SHZUZ - Debit / Credit Addition ; Data Type : Character STEKZ - Component Version Number ; Data Type : Character String TXGRP - Group Indicator For ; Data Type : Numeric - Character String with Only Digits XHRES - Indicator Resident ; Data Type: Character String XFAKT - Indicator Billing D ; Data Type: Character String XUMAN - Indicator Transfer ; Data Type: Character String XANET - Indicator Down Payment ; Data Type: Character String XNCOP - Indicator Items Can ; Data Type: Character String B Other error it gave me was for : "Duplicate records", in the Monitor. My Resolution : ? I have checked off the box "Handle Duplicate Records" in DTP. ? In "Transformation", I had made the "Language Key" as Constant "EN", in my mapping. ? Executed the DTP again, but got the same errors. Then, I tried to delete all the Requests inside my InfoObject (ZBKTXT1), under "Requests" tab, to start fresh : ABAP Short Dump (See the error below pasted). I have also done the following : "Red Symbol" shows for all the requests, in the monitor, for my InfoObject (ZBKTXT1). Below is what I have done so far : 1 - For all three requests, under "Requests" tab, for the push button, "Data Mart Status Of the Request", it says "Request Not Yet Updated With DataMart". Even then, when I go in there, select the request & hit "Delete", it takes me to the ABAP Debugger, and not sure what do to up there.. Since, I am thinking as "Request Not Yet Updated With DataMart" status is showing, I don't even have to go in there. 2 - For each request, I went to the Monitor Screen : a - Up there, if I hit "Delete" in there, it opens up again the ABAP Debugger, and then gives me the "Short Error Dump" when I try to go out of the application. b - For all of the requests, I even cannot goto the Header tab, when I am inside the monitor - it gives me again the "Short Error Dump". c - I have checked, and cleared the "Error Stacks" from within the Monitor, for all the requests, since when now I hit it, it gives me message "Request # is not available". I think at some point I might have deleted the "Error Stacks" for all the requests. d - From the same screen (inside Monitor) for all the requests, when I hit the "Where-Used-List-For-Request" button, it comes up with another box, stating the "DTP Request: Where Used List". And, it has that particular request number, and when I select that "Request Number" and hit "Delete", it again comes up with "ABAP Debugger". Again not sure what to do up there. e - From the same screen (inside Monitor) for all the requests, when I hit the "Manage DataSource", I come up with the message "Data Transfer Process DTP_ _ _ _ _ " does not exit - which is true since I have deleted the "Transformations" (and everything below that) both under my DataSource (ZBSEG_DataSource) & InfoObject (ZBKTXT1). 3- When I got to the "Contents" tab for this InfoObject (ZBKTXT1), I do see the following fields listed down there, but I don't get the option of "Edit" on this page. InfoObject Name InfoObject DS ZBSEG_DATASOURCE Enhancement ZBKTXT1 Language key 0LANGU Short description 0TXTSH Medium description 0TXTMD 4 - Being under the same tab (Contents), when I go and execute "Contents" push button, and run the report, I don't get any contents at all. 5 - Being under the same tab (Contents), when I goto the "Logs" push button, and on the next screen I choose "Delete Requests From InfoCube" and hit "Apply Changes", I come up with another box with those three requests saying under status : Delete Request Finished successfully; No Errors found 6 - From the same screen, when I goto "Application Log" to "Analyse Application Log", For Object : RSSM Sub-Object : Mon - Monitor External ID : DTPR_4W68ELOCA99ZF5IR99XSSFJ0I-DELET-ZBKTXT1$T* and select the time restriction (3 days in which I did do the ETL) for this Analyse report, I come up with nothing. 7 Checked the Log File, in the Monitor, it said : Too many error records - update terminated Error in sub-step Data package processing terminated Then, in another request, monitor's log said the following : Message Text ID No. ZBKTXT1 : Data record 1 ( ' ' ) : Duplicate Data Record RSDMD 191 For the details to the above message I had : Long Description T255 Error Location : Object Type IOBJ Error Location : Object Name ZBKTXT1 Error Location : Operation Type Error Location : Operation Name Error Severity : 100 Original Record Segment : 0001 Original Record Number : 1 For another error it said : Message Text ID No. ZBKTXT1 : Data record 1 ( ' ' ) : Language key is initial RSDMD 186 For the details to the above message I had : Long Description T255 Error Location : Object Type IOBJ Error Location : Object Name ZBKTXT1 Error Location : Operation Type Error Location : Operation Name Error Severity : 100 Original Record Segment : 0001 Original Record Number : 1 The ABAP Error Dump I got is listed below. Complete file is attached herewith. The exception, which is assigned to class 'CX_SY_REF_IS_INITIAL', was not | | caught in | | procedure "DELETE_ERRORSTACK" "(METHOD)", nor was it propagated by a RAISING | | clause. | | Since the caller of the procedure could not have anticipated that the | | exception would occur, the current program is terminated. | | The reason for the exception is: | | You attempted to use a 'NULL' object reference (points to 'nothing') | | access a component (variable: "L_R_PSA"). | | An object reference must point to an object (an instance of a class) | | before it can be used to access components. | | Either the reference was never set or it was set to 'NULL' using the | | CLEAR statement. What I want to Do Now ? ? I need to delete "Those three requests" from my " InfoObject (ZBKTXT1) ", and start fresh - ETL. ? Appreciate if you could please tell me that, if I need to delete my InfoObject (ZBKTXT1) and create a new InfoObject (by going into RSA1, and create InfoObject) with all the fields in that InfoObject, that will match the DataSource (ZBSEG_DataSource) fields, to do a one to one transfer. ? And, if I have to create a new Target InfoObject (up there), do I get an option of "Reference Object" (like to copy the reference of an Object to create this new Target InfoObject from a DataSource), in order to make my life a little easy; rather than putting all the fields of my DataSource one by one, into the new Target InfoObject. Appreciate if you can give me step by step instructions, and I apologize if I have done more steps up there (functionality wise) than what I was supposed to be doing, and let me know (if possible) what to do next time, if I have a scenario like this again. Hopefully, not. Thanks again a bunch. Take care. Shahid. | Reply to this email to post your response. __.____._ | _.____.__ |