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RE:[sap-dev] Short Cut to Finding What Code is Popping Up Window

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Reply from sapwes on May 3 at 10:43 AM

This part often gets complicated. I've done this in the past.
If the pop-up is as a result of user action, you can start TCODE ST01 (System Trace). Execute the user function. Go back and analyze the trace. From this you can see the code that was executing during the call to the popup. Set a stop point in that code, execute the code again and look at the ABAP stack during the debug session, that will give you a fairly full picture of the code state at the time of the popup.


---------------Original Message---------------
From: R. N. Wilhite
Sent: Friday, May 03, 2013 9:49 AM
Subject: Short Cut to Finding What Code is Popping Up Window

I know that if I debug sufficiently, I can eventually find out what program and statement is popping up a screen. However, this could take a bit. I'm looking for a short cut.

So here's what's happening:

I'm in a standard transaction. And it pops up a window indicating a problem and an action that it has unilaterally and without option taken. My users don't like what it is doing. SO I need to evaluate where and why the code is actuating. Since it is a popup, I don't know of a way to get into debug, at that point.

Are there maybe some trace tcodes that will tell you exactly what line of code a session is on at a given moment?

Any other thoughts?


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