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Reply from john.louk on Mar 29 at 2:36 PM I can code any number of messages in the Inboind IDoc routine (usually a function module). I can also set the status for every message. This is possible in a custom IDoc program and may of the standard programs (user-exits, enhancement spots). It also depends whether the message returned into the inbound idoc routine are of the correct severity (i.e., error, etc.). Also, like the Sales Order example it could be that the data would cause errors that would then be placed on the sales order's incompletion log. This would probably not send back the severity that would cause an IDoc error status. Also, usually the 51 status is used for errors where there is no document created or updated in SAP. This means that he IDoc can be fixed and re-processed. And, a 68 status is often used when there is an error but some document was successfully created/changed in SAP but there were errors (maybe a followon document could not be created). This means that the IDoc CANNOT be changed and re-processed. This can also be coded. So, is the Idoc using custom code or standard code?
| | | ---------------Original Message--------------- From: R. N. Wilhite Sent: Friday, March 29, 2013 12:11 PM Subject: Can a IDOC 53 have any errors? That's basically what I was thinking... without having access to the nuts and bolts. So if the facts don't agree (a 53 but no data), then its the programmer that's got it wrong... Neal | | Reply to this email to post your response. __.____._ | _.____.__ |