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Reply from horacio zapettini on Mar 21 at 4:17 PM We aren't using w7 yet... but, reading your post, it sounds like your user is loosing the connection once he used it... (i'd try login, call rfc, logout sequence, just in case there is a thread issue there ... ) (remember my way of working: make it work, and once the user has a big smile, make it work better).
| | | ---------------Original Message--------------- From: R. N. Wilhite Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2012 3:17 PM Subject: Subsequent RFC Calls Fail to Update DB I have an RFC that is issuing an update through TCODE FB09, to BSEG-SGTXT. The first time after the user logs into SAP that the RFC is called, everything goes fine. There after, it always fails. This failure did not start happening until the users machine went from XP to Win7. Has anyone seen anything similar that could help me refocus my search for an answer. I've been bashing on this for a week to no avail... No notes that I can find. The RFC doesn't even return a failure... Neal | | Reply to this email to post your response. __.____._ | _.____.__ |