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RE:[sap-hr] Separate GL code for bank transfer wagetype /559

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Posted by Tan (SAP HR Consultant)
on Aug 9 at 12:00 AM
Thanks for the nice inputs Victor...will try and update your very soon.


---------------Original Message---------------
From: Victor Jimenez
Sent: Sunday, August 07, 2011 10:57 AM
Subject: Separate GL code for bank transfer wagetype /559

Yes! See...

STAT2 ------->0 (retiree)--->100 (Retiree).
------->3 (active)---->200 (Active).
100 Retiree
200 Active
Symbolic Accounts

B100 ------> /599 for retiree employees.
B200 ------> /599 for active employees.
Balance accounts
Sym. account APDC Account
B100 100 20000100
B200 200 20000200

This should work, I have already done it.

Tip.- Sometimes when you change from NOT USING APDC to APDC it is necessary to configure one aditional line in Account Assignation with no APDC here is an example:

Before APDC
Sym acc. Account
B001 20000123

After APDC
Sym acc. APDC Account
B001 20000123
B001 100 20000123

Hope this helps !!!

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