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RE:[sap-abap] BAPI_HU_CREATE

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Posted by SheldonMeyer
on Jun 4 at 1:44 PM
This is a similar problem to what I am finding current to which I am looking for an answer.

EXIDV is an external number range set in customising for handling units (Logistics General).

The error message you are getting is the same one I am currently trying to solve so will hopefully provide further information if I can find anything.

---------------Original Message---------------
From: philip_jones200...
Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2008 5:10 AM

Hi all,

We are using BAPI_HU_CREATE to create HUs (what else?) with EXIDV coming from the IDOC source. The number is unique.

We had a record locking issue and a request to check locks on packing materials before creating the HU. If we have a lock then we dont process the IDOC but set the status to 64 and allow it to reprocess from scratch at a later time.

When reprocesed we get the message '123456787654321 is not in the interval that is provided for this pack material.'

I dont recall a range being created when the number provided is one of our own. I followed the code :


Using the SAP provided (hard coded) object 'RV_VEKP' it returned a venum = '360242' which is well within the range- ok so far.

The the BAPI performs FM 'NUMBER_CHECK' using our own EXIDV.

In there, FM 'LE_SSCC_CHECK' returns the range error.

No one seems to know of a number range being set for EXIDV. Can anyone suggest what the problem might be?

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