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Re: [sap-hr] Quota correction in positive time management

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Posted by shailendradwivedi
on Jun 4 at 10:54 AM
Hi JG,
Thanks a lot for your response can you suggest how to write rule the above
mentioned Scenario?

Thanks &regards

---------------Original Message---------------
Sent: Saturday, June 04, 2011 1:07 AM
Subject: Quota correction in positive time management


IT 2013 are to adjust any accruals. For example, when an employee is transferred from another part of the org, you want to carry forward the person's quota entl.

IT 2013 is not for reducing for such requirements as late attendance.

Following are suggested:
a)Create a time type - for the day only.- say 9Rxx - xx is quota type.
b)Use this time type in V_T559L - accrual tab - for the day - for the required quota type and whichever groupings require such deduction .
c)In Time eval schema - use folloeing rules before CUMBT and QUOTA.
-c1)PCR 1 - Set the initial value to 1 (use ACTIO),
ADDDB9RxxZ (the parameter Z sets the value).
-c2)PCR 2 - Based on your rules, set the value of t/t 9Rxx as a fraction to reduce. For example if you need to reduce by 10%, then set the value as 0.90.
If you want to make the accrual as zero, then set to zero.
e.g. HRS=0

Hope this helps.
Regards, JG

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