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Hi Eashwar I am afraid that I am unable to understand you completely.....It is just my infirmity, Kindly pardon me. Assuming that Foreign Currency Valuation is carried out ( without using Delta Posting Logic ), Every a) Customer / Vendor / (*) General Ledger Open Line item Managed in foreign currency (* G L Managed on open item basis ) b) General Ledger Balance Sheet Account Managed in Foreign Currency and without open item management are taken up for valuation. The Valuation Process considers the Original Exchange Rate prevailing at the time of the Original Document generation and compares it with the Current Exchange Rate prevailing during closing Valuation and accounts for the Difference as a Loss and (or) Profit ( in line with the Valuation procedure adopted ) on the Key Date. However, the Valuation difference , as you rightly pointed out , is usually reversed on Key Date + 1. A subsequent valuation on a different closing date is a repeat process with the comparison happening between the exchange rate adopted in the original document vis-a-vis the current exchange rate . Therefore, there does not seem to be any question of a cumulative valuation involved at all, I suppose, since every valuation difference is automatically reversed on the next day (key date + 1) changing the position to status quo. Perhaps, the use of delta posting logic ( without monthly reversals ) can be considered as using cumulative values since every closing valuation is retained and any differential value is posted ( in line with the valuation procedure adopted and the valuation principle adopted). Therefore, cumulative postings may possibly arise in the case of valuation with delta posting ( and without using monthly reversals ). Kindly correct me if my perception is incorrect. Regards VidhyaDhar
| | | ---------------Original Message--------------- From: athre2000 Sent: Saturday, March 12, 2011 11:51 PM Subject: Foreign Currency Valuation issue related to cummulative account balances vs monthly account balances The foreign currency module would just value the foreign currency with the local currency at the prevailing exchange rate and reverse this with posting date as 'key date+1'. however this would be in a cumulative manner, not incremental. To understand your issue, request you to pls send more details. Regards Eashwar +919874422029 | | __.____._ Copyright © 2011 and message author. 4343 N. Scottsdale Road Suite 280, Scottsdale, AZ 85251 | | VidhyaDhar SAP Accounting Top Contributor
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