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Re: [sap-abap] IDOC scenario from NON SAP to SAP system via flat file|

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Posted by juathandsome (justhandsome)
on Feb 10 at 10:14 PM
Thanks all for replies till now,it actually feels like discussing within the
same company .Thanks.

Hi Sabthahir,
Thanks for your steps ,can you tell me other than MAster_IDOC_distribute
will I have to call any other standard program also to collect and post the
idocs or else...this will be taken care entirely by the Framework?
At anyplace do I need to call RBDAPP01 or IDOC_DATA_INCOMING.

What port do I define for this scenario?FILE I guess...but then ,what will
be the outbound trigger,and we are going to use FTP as the method of
transferring file .
Basis will write a script which picks up files from the FTP and puts them in
APP server folder,

Is it possible that whenever a file gets deposited in the file port folder
,it can trigger the inbound process automatically?Inbound trigger fot this

should I keep the outbound parameters blank as this is a inbound scenario?

How to handle Error records if they come ,I mean in IDOCS the errors are all
collected together based on message type and error status if I am not wrong

Is there a way by which we can identify which line went in error type of
information or at least which PO/SO was in error ..

Hi John...

I have asked the question about idoc error ,I am exploring ways in which it
may be possible .

They have a batch program running which sends the idoc error information via
email to users,Although I dont feel this will work in this scenario
,especially during year closings,month ends etc.

Data will have to be created and sent again ,the front end system will have
to resend the data ,but that will happen in both BAPIs as well as IDOCs
hence I think that part I anyway have to think about.

Yes I will be building two IDOCs SO and PO.
no currently the information for SO and PO will be seperate .

Custom fields ,none yet but maybe there may be some custom fields in
future.I know where you are coming from ;I think we will have to extned the
IDOCs everytime we make a change in message structure ...

I dont really know why they want IDOCs(maybe it sounds cool) although I have
already explained them the current scenario and timelines both call for a
effective ,
easy to maintain,
easy to debug solution ,
which right now is BAPI/batch data ...etc..

"What do they think they are gaining by using IDocs?"
I think they discussed this before the start of the project,u know like
...IDOCs can be used .we want IDOCs.... hence they are so adamant about
I am currently compiling a document for the same and I am also adding the
points mentioned just now in this mail.

"I follow. But, if they have well defined processes for managing IDocs, why
would they not already have a sub-system for translating that information
into an Idoc."
They dont have a very well defined system,they have some interface in which
they build an IDOC inside SAP and before building IDOC do as many
validations as possible ...

"But, if they have to I think they definitely need to think about error
processing. "
Any suggestions about this ,I am exploring though.

---------------Original Message---------------
From: juathandsome
Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2011 12:25 AM
Subject: IDOC scenario from NON SAP to SAP system via flat file|

Hi all ,
I have a business scenario where I will receive a flat file from a NON SAP
system ;which I have to convert to a standard IDOC (I will receive PO and
SO) after which I need to post it to the system using the standard methods
may be standard IDOC framework ...this system is an ECC 6.0 system *

Now I have worked on IDOCs but I need some expert direction in the best
way to design this...I suggested the org to use a normal BAPI for posting as
it would be far less time consuming in my opinion,but they are insisting on
using IDOCs,hence I am exploring the best framework to achieve this .

- So if I can put some more details here ..I will receive the files
in folders on application server with the proper file naming conventions
along with date and time.
- I plan to use a Z table in which I can keep all the files which have
been processed .
- we will have a program scheduled every few hours which will pick up all
the non posted files after checking in the z table ,then convert the text
file to IDOC for sales order and PO as applied..
- this inbound file handler program will have some basic validations in
place before putting the data in the IDOC format so that the chances of
errors are limited when creating PO/SO in SAP .
- From here onwards I think I can make use of the standard IDOC framework
so that there is less coding on my part .
- Now here is where I need some advice ,I am finding too many Function
names ...to be used ..if I can get some direction as to how can I leverage
the standard SAP system for achieving this .
- I think I would have to call a FM which will check the partner profiles
to find the processing codes and then will call the standard IDOC_INPUT_*
functions to create a PO/SO in the system..
- *can someone please give me the specific names and process flow to
achieve this and any things to be kept in mind /any challenges FORESEEN in
converting the flat file to IDOC...*
- Also I am bit confused as to *how to create a partner profile for this
scenario as the non SAP system actually is not connected with SAP in any way
*and also there is no EDI subsystem in place
- ,hence *will it be enough if I put in the Sender name , the logical
system name(needs to be created) of the sender ; and in the idoc control
structure *and create a partner profile with this new logical system and
put the ORDERS message type and the standard inbound process code for the
Sales order creation FMs..

Would be really thankful for any suggestions...

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