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RE:[sap-abap] Problem with For all entries !!

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Posted by yani_lie (SAP FI Consultant & ABAP-er)
on Dec 13 at 12:01 AM

I hope it could help, using 'APPENDING corresponding fields' rather than 'INTO corresponding fields'.. As I know, using 'into' will collect the same keys and sum it to one of them. But 'append' will display all records.

' select objnr comitted_date kstar COMITTED_AMT from ZIBC_MAINTAINECE
into corresponding fields of table it_commit
for all entries in i_ccenter[]
where objnr = i_ccenter-objnr
and gjahr = p_gjahr
and period = p_month+0(2)
and status = 'A'. '


---------------Original Message---------------
From: arif_mohd_ali
Sent: Friday, December 10, 2010 5:51 AM
Subject: Problem with For all entries !!

Dear friends,
I have reported a problem where in using the for all entries on Z-table the data is not retrieve properly as it has to be, if it has 9 records , it is retrieving only 4 records , I could not able to understand whtz the problem is when I debug the program and check the internal table it has only 4 records but in Database table it has 7 records, 3 records is skip which has same cost elements and objnr.
can anyone suggest or guide me in solving this problem ?

Here is the code which is retrieving the data from z-table..

select objnr comitted_date kstar COMITTED_AMT from ZIBC_MAINTAINECE
into corresponding fields of table it_commit
for all entries in i_ccenter[]
where objnr = i_ccenter-objnr
and gjahr = p_gjahr
and period = p_month+0(2)
and status = 'A'.

thanks in advance

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