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RE:[sap-basis] SLD - central , local , design-time ,runtime

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Posted by Raghav (SAP Basis Admin)
on Oct 6 at 12:09 PM
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HTTP alias is what is usually the SID of your XI/PI server.

*** This is what i guess is happening when you do SLDCHECK:
1) Browser opens with the logon to SLD.
2) Your ABAP GUI displays the Message as above denoting the Function Call exception 4.

** This is a clear indicative of the User ID#password issue.
>> It has nothing to do with SPROXY(which btw is related to SXMB_ADM)
>> How does this look from other BI/CRM systems e.t.c?

** If a browser doesn't open, then i would ask you to start checking the SLDAPICUST, LCRSAPRFC connections and make sure they work good.

** Next, perform the tests as below:
1) Do a test logon for PIAPPLUSER in your XI Server.
>> If the logon is successful, then the error is because you do not have the Roles/Authorizations for XIAPPLUSER to access the SLD related content.

2) To confirm the lack of roles/authorizations, For a starter, test using j2ee_admin.
>> Enter j2ee_admin in SLDAPICUST and let me know how it goes.

I suspect you have not done the Manual allotment of SLD roles/Authorizations.


---------------Original Message---------------
From: scottslater
Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2010 10:28 PM
Subject: SLD - central , local , design-time ,runtime

> For PI ( 7.1 EHP1) ,ECC 6.0 and BI ( 7.0) dev ,qa and PRD systems , how many SLDs should I deploy ? To make Guids unique in the software components , what strategy should I use if I want DEV PI system to have its own local SLD ... and QA and PRD to use the SLD lcoated in the PRD Pi system?
> Is it advisable to connect ECC DEV , BI DEV to the DEV PI SLD ...and ECC QA , ECC PRD ,BI QA and BI PRD to connect to the PI PRD SLD?
> I think solution manager local SLD will get the data by using the SLD bridges from DEV PI SLD and PRD PI SLD. Is it okay to do?
> In the above case, can I call PI DEV SLD as design-time SLD and PI PRD SLD as runtime? What are the differences between design-time SLD and runtime SLD?
> Also what is the central SLD...In my case which one is central SLD? If there is none, do I need one central?
> Thanks for all your help.

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