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RE: [sap-log-sd] Additional email address on sold to party

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Posted by CIpinza (Mr.)
on Oct 5 at 2:57 PM
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I recommend you, use the standard funcionality of Contact Persons for Sold-to.
Then i f you assign the contact person to the aproppiate SD document, the emial will be available to send a mail or print the e-mail in a form.
Sold-To = 1000 with 3 contact persons:
Contact Person A -> Purchasing Person -> purchasing@xxx
Contact Person B -> Finance Person -> finance@xxx
Contact Person C -> Receiving Person -> receiving@xxx

Then you can use Contact Person A during sales order processing, Contact Person B for billing process, and Contact Person C for delivery processing. This is standard.
Claudio Ipinza.

Date: Tue, 5 Oct 2010 11:12:38 -0400
From: sap-log-sd@Groups.ITtoolbox.com
To: email@removed
Subject: [sap-log-sd] Additional email address on sold to party

Posted by user_201
on Oct 5 at 11:13 AM
I am working on an enhancement. My client has multiple email address they need to enter for a given sold to party, in order to be able to send out order confirmation, invoice, etc., out to the customer that way. The first email address is already stored in the system in the customer master (under "General Data" --> Communication section). There is only room for one email address in standard SAP. Where else would be a logically good place to put additional email addresses? Please note that the order confirmation might not go to the same invoice as the invoice, for example.

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