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S_Tcode Object

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Managing Changes to S_TCODE Authorization object
When we make a change to the S_TCODE or any other object in a GWR authorization, the status of this object becomes CHANGED:
Changes should never be made directly to the S_TCODE object.

Once the S_TCODE object gets into CHANGED status, T-Code deletions made in the menu path DO NOT override the T-Code value in S_TCODE. The T-Code doesn't exist in the menu, but can be called because it still exists in S_TCODE.

The solution to this problem:

Always make T-Code additions/deletions from the menu path ONLY.

This is how the profile generator is designed to work. When you add the T-Code into the menu, SAP will bring in the necessary objects/values. The only exception here is when working on non-end user roles, roles used in Development and Integration that use ranges in S_TCODE.

When deleting T-Codes, check to see that S_TCODE is in STANDARD status. If it is in CHANGED status, take these steps to get S_TCODE back into STANDARD status:

Inactivate and delete the S_TCODE object using the trashcan.
Use the “Expert mode for profile generation” button to regenerate the role from the T-Code menu entries:

Check the “Read old status and merge with new data” button. This will merge the objects with an “Old” status with new objects pulled in from the current SU24 configuration:

The S_TCODE object should now be in STANDARD status.
Maintain any yellow objects, merge, reorganize, save, and generate.

Keyword: BASIS
Title : S_Tcode Object


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