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Re: [sap-dev] Scheduling in Background

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Reply from R. N. Wilhite on Aug 30 at 6:45 AM
To create a file when no data is present, you just Open and close without
transferring anything.

Monday thru Sunday is all days, but it looks like you want to skip
Mondays? If that is true, the simplest way is to set up 6 weekly jobs.
One for each day that you do want it to run.

There are a number of programming toys that you can do to have only one
job, but that requires additional development and complexity. There are
also several scheduling tools that you can buy for SAP that will do the
same. Emphesis on BUY.


---------------Original Message---------------
From: abaper
Sent: Friday, August 30, 2013 6:19 AM
Subject: Scheduling in Background

Hi All,

I have developed a Zreport. Data Extraction should occur each Sunday ,12:00 AM, for the period of Monday, 12:01 AM through Sunday, 12:00 AM. File should be sent even if no data is present.

How to do this. Please help.


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R. N. Wilhite  

SAP Technical Architect
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