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RE:[sap-basis] SAP System Refresh / Restore from Backup

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Posted by D. Caddick (SAP NetWeaver/BASIS Consultant)
on Aug 1 at 7:58 AM
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Hi JB,

This is described in the System Copy Guide. Please read this guide it is very important.


---------------Original Message---------------
From: manuel121
Sent: Saturday, July 31, 2010 1:20 AM
Subject: SAP System Refresh / Restore from Backup

> Hello Guys,
> We are planning to do a system refresh in our QAS env using an offline backup copy of PRD.
> We are on SAP R/3 Enterprise 4.7 release 200 running on HP-UX/Oracle Machine.
> I saw in a document that says that "The Oracle Backup method is not generally supported for this version of the SAP Web Application Server (6.20). For method is only available as a pilot project".
> I was wondering if anyone has done it before successfully though. We were hoping to do the restore via the offline to prevent long downtime in our PRD environment.
> Best Regards,
> JB

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D. Caddick
SAP Basis Top Contributor

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