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RE:[sap-acct] Czech Republic postings using CZ bank daily rates

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Posted by tennis
on Mar 26 at 7:32 PM
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Stefka, When first mentioned that they wanted to use the daily exchange rate for the whole document my first thought was just to load the M rate the daily exchange rate each day....Is this something you have done, Are there other implications that anyone knows of? Again thank you all for your info

---------------Original Message---------------
From: tennis
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 8:08 PM
Subject: Czech Republic postings using CZ bank daily rates

> Hi All,
> Was wondering if anyone has come across a requirement for having the whole CZ document posted using the Daily exchange rate issues by the CZ bank. We just implemented a change to have all CZ postings VAT amounts not use the M rate, but a new CZ rate loaded with the daily bank rates. Now they are rquesting the whole document(not just the VAT line item) be posted based on the CZ rate(dont use existing M rate at all). Has anyone come across thsi before? Cheers
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