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Re: [sap-security] Impact of customized transaction on GRC rule set

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Posted by sapvish (SQA)
on Mar 6 at 10:40 AM
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I too was expecting few words of advise on this topic , CC Rule engine will
not scan any called tcode for SoD unless it has an entry in s_tcode and SAP
is aware of this limitation.
Following best practices of including auth check while calling standard
tcodes can help and also a report with the name of Embedded Action Calls
in Programs of SAP system in Informer-->Audit Reports-->Miscellaneous will
let you know the where all uasge of standard tcode in any program.

But then it is something which is going unnoticed in CC reporting , only way
i can see to enforce is by dupliacting the customized tcode in the
function(there mite be sm other way which i am not aware of )


On Sat, Feb 27, 2010 at 5:38 AM, GRCQuest via sap-security <
sap-security@groups.ittoolbox.com> wrote:

> Posted by GRCQuest
> on Feb 26 at 1:40 PM
> Hi
> We are currently using GRC CC 4.7 and I am struggling with the number of
> new customized transactions that I have to add to the existing functions
> which in turn generates thousands of new rules. Many of our customized
> transactions are variants of standard transactions and there are ABAP codes
> that actually call the standard transactions. You can actually see them in
> ST01 trace. However, the transactions being called are often not required in
> the users' profile and I suspect it is because there are no ABAP code to
> enforce the authorization check. The reason I am interest in this is because
> when the called transaction is cumpulsory, the user must have the standard
> transactions in their profiles. Since the called (standard transactions) are
> already governed by the standard rule set I reason that there is no need to
> duplicate them with rules for the corresponding customized transactions. In
> other words, the customized transactions are governed vicariously via the
> standard transactions' rules.
> Basing on this concept, I would like to pressure our development folks to
> include authorization check for called transactions whenever a standard
> transaction is called to complete the process. I would like your opinion if
> this is consider a reasonable request. I would also like to hear from other
> CC users with similar issues and the various techniques they use to hold
> down the growing number of customized CC rules.
> Thanks
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