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RE: [sap-basis] Transport request is not getting generated.

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Posted by Gerardo Navarrete
on Mar 22 at 6:33 PM
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Hi Samim, go to tx PFCG put the role name, in the menu options find the option Download, save the role in your PC, open one session in the production system in the Tx PFCG upload the role.



From: sap-basis@Groups.ITtoolbox.com
To: gnvarrete@hotmail.com
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 2010 13:26:58 -0400
Subject: RE:[sap-basis] Transport request is not getting generated.

Posted by D. Caddick (SAP NetWeaver/BASIS Consultant)
on Mar 22 at 1:28 PM
Mark as helpful
Hi Samim,

I go to Tx PFCG and type in/Select the role then use the menu options as follows:
Role -> Transport (Ctrl Shift F9) I then get screens to create the transport request.


---------------Original Message---------------
From: samimahamed
Sent: Monday, March 22, 2010 5:59 AM
Subject: Transport request is not getting generated.

> Hello Dears,
> In my two system landscape I am trying to transfer a role from
> Development(Controller) to Production system.But the request number is not
> getting generated.That text field is showing blank.pls suggest me.
> --
> Thanks & Regards
> Samim Ahamed
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