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RE: [sap-basis] Kernal update (strbs.cmd)

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Posted by D. Caddick (SAP NetWeaver/BASIS Consultant)
on Mar 22 at 7:10 PM
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Hi Irfaz,

You must copy the Kernel files to the following location:

E:\usr\sap\<SID>\SYS\exe\nuc\<Machine type>

Do not worry about :

C:\Program Files\sapinst_instdir\NW04SR1\WEBAS_ABAP_ORA_NUC\DB this was for
the installation.

Follow the wiki:

http://it.toolbox.com/wiki/index.php/How_to_update_ SAP_Kernel


From: irfraz via sap-basis [mailto:sap-basis@Groups.ITtoolbox.com]
Sent: 22 March 2010 20:43
To: D. Caddick
Subject: [sap-basis] Kernal update (strbs.cmd)

Posted by irfraz (SAP Consultant)
on Mar 22 at 4:41 PM


I updated Kernal from 43 to 304. After updating my kernal patch strbs.cmd in
mmc was red and could not be connected. I followed the following procedure.

1- I checked startsrv.exe version at E:\usr\sap\SID\SYS\exe\run and
C:\Program Files\sapinst_instdir\NW04SR1\WEBAS_ABAP_ORA_NUC\DB .

2- startsrv.exe version was old at C:\Program
Files\sapinst_instdir\NW04SR1\WEBAS_ABAP_ORA_NUC\DB so i replaced this file
from E:\usr\sap\SID\SYS\exe\run.

3- Started the services but still strbs.cmd was not conneted and showed me
red status

4- I copied strbs.cmd file from my old kernal (patch 43) into the new folder

It worked fine. Kindly advise if the above procedure is fine.

Thank you,


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D. Caddick
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