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RE: [sap-acct] Intercompany postings

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Posted by VitalCreemers
on Mar 24 at 4:15 PM
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Additionally you have a setting where you can check mark clear with vendor or clear with customer but this field only becomes visible once you have filled out the customer number in the vendor record or vice versa...

Subject: RE: [sap-acct] Intercompany postings
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 2010 08:13:58 -0700
From: sap-acct@Groups.ITtoolbox.com
To: crvi69@hotmail.com

Posted by cdanielsc (BP analyst)
on Mar 11 at 10:20 AM
Mark as helpful
I believe in the customer and vendor master, in the control tab, you
need to enter the vendor number/customer number you are netting. I am
fairly new with SAP, but also think you need to do some setups in OBYA
for the intercompany postings to happen correctly.

I have done the setups for paying companies in spro only, not using FBZP
- but would be interested in your response.

Connie Daniels

Business Process Analyst

ModusLink Corporation

C 801 830-7112

connie_daniels@moduslink.com l www.moduslink.com

From: acoimbra via sap-acct [mailto:sap-acct@Groups.ITtoolbox.com]
Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2010 2:50 AM
To: Daniels, Connie
Subject: RE:[sap-acct] Intercompany postings

Posted by acoimbra
on Mar 11 at 4:54 AM

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Hello Roy,
I have some queries on the process you display if you don?t mind me
answering. Anyone that was able to set up the intercompany netting
process is welcome to share their knowledge
How exactly do you set up the sending/ paying company code parameters in
For this cenario for exemple: 1 vendor in company code X with total
debit of 1500, which is the customer in company code Y with total credit
of 1000.
The netting is 500 to be paid by company X.
I have set up an entry for CC X, with sending company code Y and paying
company code Y. I have created a netting payment method, it is in both
record master of customer and vendor, which are also linked together
(field KNA1-LIFNR and LFA1-KUNNR).
I have run the payment run with this payment method and both customer
and vendor in the selection criteria and the two company codes in the
parameters as well, nevertheless it still does not pick up the customer
doc from company code Y....
Thanks for your input,

---------------Original Message---------------
From: Roy B
Sent: Monday, April 14, 2008 12:00 PM
Subject: Intercompany postings

> Hi,
> You set up a payment method or rather 2 payment methods, 1 for
incoming and 1 for outgoing payments. Behind these instead of a bank
account you put the GL account(s) for inter-company current account. No
cash actually moves. In the customer and vendor master records you put
the appropriate payment methods and also allow customer and vendor
clearing for those who are both customer and vendor (so vendor number in
customer master and vice versa). If you have separate account groups for
inter-company customers and vendors as opposed to third parties, you can
select by account group in F110. Otherwise you select by payment method.
So I would do a payment run for inter-company vendors which would also
clear the associated customers. I would send the payment advices to the
other group companies so that they know what I have cleared and can
duplicate it in their books.
> It is sound business practice to let the company that owes money
initiate the process rather than the company that is owed. That way
there is no confusion about who is doing what and to whom. You need to
write a procedure and train the users but they soon pick it up. I first
implemented this in a shared service centre where we had all the other
companies`customer and vendor balances anyway, so it was simple to
manage. Once it is up and running and built into your monthly routines
it works like a dream.
> Rgds, Roy
> Roy Brookes AFA, FInstBA,
> SAP Financials Expert,
> Senior SAP FI-CO-TR Consultant
> Director,
> Software Partner Solutions limited
> www.software-partner-solutions.com
> email@removed
> email@removed
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