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RE:[sap-hr] Personal Number change

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Posted by JG-SAPHR (Senior SAP HR Consultant)
on Feb 20 at 9:19 AM
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Hi Tarun
Usually the pernr is not changed.
In some companies I have seen the change from casual to permanent will need a change in pernr, as the rules are different to a large extent - otherwise, it would be hard to cover all the business aspects like leave accruals, payments, etc.
Change in pernr and referring the old pernr data can be done by entering the old pernr as the reference pernr when you execute the hiring action. Then the system will ask which infotypes are to be copied. You can select IT's like pers details, bank details, etc.
Also after completing the action, I advise checking the IT's are copied. Recently I have seen a no.of OSS notes addressing a problem whre some IT's are not copied. You may need to apply those notes if they are not already applied. If you need the OSS note no's, let me know. You can also search for the notes using the search words - reference personnnel number, PA40, etc.
Hope this helps.
Regards, JG

---------------Original Message---------------
From: tarunsarpal
Sent: Friday, February 19, 2010 8:10 AM
Subject: Personal Number change

> Hi Gurus<br/>I am faced with a problem that for eg employee was hired on 01.01.2001 on personal number 1000. Now on 01.01.2009 he got promoted to new employee subgroup W4 from W3. Here comes the problem, according to company policy they will give new pernr which will be 2500. they want to keep the date of appointment from 01.01.2001 but the personal number from 01.01.2009 will be 2500. So basically we have to overwrite the previous personal number with a new one. How is it possible. Is it possible through enhancement, ABAP, or any possibility. Really urgent
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