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[sap-acct] Asset periodic depreciation based on the number of days in the period

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Posted by Elaine Ballagh
on Aug 24 at 9:27 AM
I'm trying to remember how to do this in asset accounting, and I can't find what I think I'm looking for in the IMG! I'd really appreciate some help.
I have a client who is required to calculate depreciation on a monthly basis, using a mid-month conversion rule. Additionally, they are also required, basedf on their local GAAP to calculate depreciation for each period based on the number of days in the period. So, an asset which is going to depreciation over the year by 1,200, for example, does not depreciate 100 each period. In February, depreciation will be approximately 92, while in March depreciation will be approximately 102 - there are 3 days more in March than there are in February.
I thought this was a depreciation area setting in the posting rules configuration, but that's not quite it.
Any help would be most appreciated.
Thank you,
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