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RE: [sap-hr] 3PR posting

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Posted by aniltyagi (AGM-HR)
on Aug 26 at 12:49 AM
Mark this reply as helpfulMark as helpful
Hi Donna/ SAP HR gurus,
I am working in payroll india. we applied user exit:override employee
pension contribution so that system dose not prorate the pension
contribution of Employee joining or leave mid month whose basic exceeds
Rs.6500 for the said period. Before that we updated the support pack 31
that also contains the sap note for overriding the employee pension
scheme. After that system is not calculating in RT the PF calculation wt
except /3f3 but PF basis for EPF, EPS ,EPF admin charges are
maintained.even if our ABAP person reverted the used exit, but there is
no change. please suggest us some solution.

From: Donna via sap-hr [mailto:sap-hr@Groups.ITtoolbox.com]
Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2009 8:56 AM
To: Anil Tyagi
Subject: RE: [sap-hr] 3PR posting

Posted by Donna

on Aug 25 at 11:16 PM Mark this reply as helpfulMark as helpful
Check that nothing has happened to the number ranges for posting and
remittance. We rarely see this in production but it is common in testing
systems, especially if you import payroll results from other systems.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: RE:[sap-hr] 3PR posting
From: "Sonoo via sap-hr" <sap-hr@Groups.ITtoolbox.com>
Date: Fri, August 21, 2009 10:22 am
To: Donna <dshrout@hrspecs.com>
Posted by Sonoo
on Aug 21 at 1:26 PM Mark as helpful
HI Donna:
This time Iam really hoping to get a response from you.
When my end user is running a third party posting we are getting a red
line error "No entry to the seq.no in RGDIR" and no TemSe was created.
When I simulated it in my system it says the remittance has already been
done. I checked the RGDIR the entry do exists in RGDIR and the seq.no
referred in the error was for a previous record. When the end user try
to run the completeness check the EE's is not showing up. I checked the
T51R8 table and see an entry for the latest evaluation run. I am trying
to understand why that red line error occured in the first place.
Please advice.
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