Manually Applying OSS note on SAP Standard Program
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Manually Applying OSS note on SAP Standard Program
What is mean by OSS how to work on that?
OSS are online sap support notes. These notes are available online for solving critical problems in sap system.We may use the already existing notes or may add our own quaries.
In order to apply any OSS note, you have to be authorized by your company and be assigned an OSS ID and password.
For any SAP standard program modification, you are required to login to OSS and request for a repair program Access key.
Access the SAP Support Portal:
- Keys and Requests
-- Request license key
--- Follow the Steps 1 to 5 of the License keys for SAP Business Suite
Follow this step to obtain the Program Access key:
Menu Path: System -> Services -> SAP Service (Transaction code OSS1)
Login in with your OSS ID and Password
Click the Registration button
Click Register Object
Double click R/3 Value Contract
Fill in the Object Registration for Installation:
For e.g.
SAP release: 46C
Finished, click the Register button
Select the Key number and use the Copy and Paste short key to copy the Access key
You are now able to modify the SAP standard program.
Finished the modification, do remember to transport it to the production system after all the necessary testing.
Keyword: BASIS
Title : Manually Applying OSS note on SAP Standard Program