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SAP Entering an Applicant’s Address Abroad HR Recruitment Grouping of Applicant Data

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An applicant applies for a job with a company located in a country other than the one where he or she lives. To record the applicant's address abroad, select the Further data field in the Addresses infotype (0006) to access a country-specific entry screen. You can then enter the applicant’s address abroad on this screen.


  1. Choose Applicant master data
  2. ® Initial data entry.

    The Initial Entry of Basic Data screen appears.

  3. Make entries in the required fields for the infotypes Organizational Assignment, Personal Data, and Applications.
  4. Select the Further data field for the Addresses infotype.
  5. Save your entries.
  6. The Create Addresses (Infotype 0006) screen appears.

  7. Choose Address abroad.
  8. The Choose Country Key screen appears.

  9. Specify the desired country key, and choose Continue.
  10. The system displays the desired country-specific data entry screen for the Addresses infotype.

  11. Enter the applicant's address.
  12. Save the address.


You have entered the basic data on an external applicant with an address abroad.

Keyword: SAP HR
Title : SAP Entering an Applicant’s Address Abroad HR Recruitment Grouping of Applicant Data


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