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[sap-log-mm] Change in External Batch Name Logic SAP

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Question from Vijay on Oct 29 at 4:23 PM

My clients wants to change the batch numbering logic, it is external batch numbering.

I am planning to work with ABAP guy to implement the changing the batch name logic,
EXIT_SAPLV01Z_003. Using this exit, you can replace the proposed number range object BATCH_CLT and/or external interval 02 with a number range object and/or external interval you have defined yourself.
You also have the option of suppressing the batch number check, for example, based on the material or plant.
EXIT_SAPLV01Z_004. Using this exit, you can define your own checking rule,

But also clients wants to use the old batch no for materials till old stock fully consumed.

Appreciate your suggestions.

vijay job
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