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Re: [sap-log-wm] How to Feedback The User Who Orders Material Despite Procurment?

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Reply from ljupco35 on Apr 29 at 9:40 AM
Dear TRE,

Thank you very much for your suggestion.
But I like to ask you, Is there an option to alert the user where he will
be informed that the quantities acc.to GR are smaller or larger than in PO?
I use transactions MB21 and MB51, can with email to inform
warehouseman-user and the like, but if it could be established a direct
link SAP user-warehouse?


---------------Original Message---------------
From: tomevans866
Sent: Friday, April 28, 2017 9:50 AM
Subject: How to Feedback The User Who Orders Material Despite Procurment?

A few quick thoughts:
In standard ECC, you could use a PO List transaction, e.g. ME2N, that shows PO Quantity and the Still to be Delivered Quantity. When Still to be Delivered is greater than zero, but less than PO Quantity, then the case you described occurred.
A query or custom report could also produce this analysis.

You could require a Reason Code for under delivery. Then use a Goods Movements list, like MB51, to see the Receipts that have that Reason Code(s).

You could have a workflow that sends you an email when the case occurred.

I think you want to allow these under deliveries. If you do not, you could set an under delivery tolerance.


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