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[sap-basis] 'Role ORA_SID_DBA Is Not Created Yet' During Installation of NW 7.0 SR3 ABAP ORA

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Question from TrEvEr on Apr 21 at 6:03 AM
Dear Experts,
We had received this error due to which we stopped the installation process.

Installation SAP Netweaver 7.0 SR3 ABAP
Oracle 10g
Windows Server 2K8 R2 64bit

Phase 10 : Create Database

An error occurred while processing option SAP NetWeaver 7.0 Support Release 3 > SAP Application Server ABAP > Oracle > Central System > Central System( Last error reported by the step: Assertion failed: in function (role, readAccountData) { if (readAccountData === undefined) { readAccountData = true; } NWUsers.trace("NWUsers.getAccountData(", role, ")"); this._initAccountData(); ASSERT(arguments.callee, this.haveAccountData(role), "role " + role + " is not created yet."); var ad = this._readAccountDataFromKeydb(role); if (readAccountData) { ad = this._readAccountData(ad); } var masterpwd = this.getMasterPassword(); if (ad.password == "" && this._useMasterPasswordForAccountData(ad) && ad.type == "USER" && masterpwd !== undefined && role != NWUsers.roles.J2EEGuest && !ad.locked) { ad.password = masterpwd; } NWUsers.trace("NWUsers.getAccountData(): ", dump_pr
operties(ad)); return ad; } : role ORA_SID_DBA is not created yet.).

Please help me to resolve the issue.

Thank you.
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