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RE:[sap-security] Authorisations objects and tcodes

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Reply from Stephan on Mar 4 at 4:18 AM
The correct value for maintenance of infotypes in P_ORGIN, field AUTHC is W= write. M means Matchcode. Please keep this in mind.
In table USOBT, USOBT_C (Transaction SU24) you willl find the different value proposals SAP has "set" for the different authorization objects. PA30 with R for some infotypes allows only read Access to theses infotypes.

---------------Original Message---------------
From: Kesho_Saimara
Sent: Sunday, February 21, 2016 10:08 AM
Subject: Authorisations objects and tcodes


i am studying towards sap security and authorisations.

I am having troubles in understanding how authorisation objects work.I found out tht there are cases where one authorisation object controls many tcodes for example P_ORGIN...and the transactions tht require tht object are PA30,PA51 and PP61.

How then would i distinguish the values for each tcode seperately (ie in role maintenance), say for PA30 i want to set the display (value R), and for PP61 maintain (value M).

How does the system know tht the READ value is for PA30 and the Maintain or write value is for PP61.
Thanks a lot.

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