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[sap-log-pp] Retrieve PI Sheet Data Entries

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Question from hayes on Feb 24 at 8:29 AM
Hello PI Sheet and Control Recipe experts,
I am looking for advice on the best way to retrieve or access data manually entered by an operator into a Control Recipe through a PI sheet. I am new to Process Management and am now working with a client that has PI sheets that were set up for them by someone else about 5 years ago. They are manually adding the process instructions to the Master Recipes - they are not using X-Steps. Anyway, operations personnel enter data into the PI sheet over the course of the day, ending with a COR6N for a goods receipt posting. However, a lot of other data has been entered into the PI sheet over that time - dates, times and values. The client would like to retrieve all this data with relation to the PI sheet. I can see all the data from the PI sheet in table POC_DB_VALUE, but the key in this table and the other POC_DB* tables are a bunch of GUID entries that are separately built objects, and I'm not sure how to tie these GUIDs back to the assignment of the PI characteristics/Process instructions to the original phase assignment.

SO here are the questions: Does anyone know of a logical way to retrieve the PI data from the POC_DB tables (or some other tables I don't know about), or is it better to design the PI sheet to write the data from the PI sheet entry out somewhere (example: to batch characteristics) so it can be retrieved from a more standard table form. If the latter - that is - writing the data out somewhere - would it make sense to create a Z-table to store the PI sheet data?

Thanks for the help!
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