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Reply from sridharca on Sep 28 at 4:06 PM Recently I had this problem- In my case, it was the date- if I did not enter the document date, I would get this error. Sridhar S
| | | ---------------Original Message--------------- From: Stara Sent: Monday, September 28, 2015 1:01 PM Subject: Error: Enter Rate AED / USD Rate Type M for DD.MM.YYYY in the System Settings Hi, I get error in a title of post when I define the Vendor for money transfer. Defining Customer worked fine. However I have two questions: 1. I defined in Customer (FB75) currency EUR and want to define in Vendor (FB65) currency AED. Why I am getting in error USD then? In error should be AED / EUR but why AED / USD ? 2. The error may be solved in OB08 but I am having extreme troubles using this command. The biggest nightmare is that searching entries via button Position doesn't even work because when I ''From currency'' and ''To-currency'' value I get placed on completely different entry that has nothing to do with what I just typed as Position. Another problem is that I don't know what happens, if anything, when exchange rate changes. Third problem is that I have no idea what to type in ''ExRt'' column. Therefore I would like to simplify it: Is there any alternative solution, easier to be used, to OB08? Also SPRO > SAP NetWeaver > General Settings > Currencies > Define Standard Quotation for Exchange Rates) doesn't help. So I am asking for alternative to OB08 that I could also solve error (see title topic) in different way. Thanks! | | Reply to this email to post your response. __.____._ | _.____.__ |