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Toolbox sap-other Reply from horacio zapettini on Aug 6 at 7:33 AM Can you tell us how many rows does this table hold? Can you tell us the structure of this table? Primary key? Secondary indexes? (as is a custom table...we don't have an idea of how does it look like :). What's the intended use of this table? Have you done a were used list for the table? You may want to know where and why this table is being read that much. Have you isolated a tcode, and run it with ST05? (so you can exactly evaluate the use of this table... ) We need more info in order to help you. Horacio PS: the problem of high rates of reads could be in a non careful design of the table and of a query onto that table. If the table holds a huge volume of rows, and the query is not accessing the table with a key (primary or alternate) then sql optimizer starts a sequential scan on the table (thus incrementing the number of reads). If your code is not carefully design, and you run this code inside a loop... you're multiplying the number of reads... and ...if you have this issue in a commonly used piece of code (say a function module or a class) that's somehow hidden... there you may have your problem. You need to isolate the problem (that's why st05 in my questions)
| | | ---------------Original Message--------------- From: fongoodty mas baruly Sent: Thursday, August 06, 2015 2:35 AM Subject: Archiving Infostructure ZZFI_DOCUMNITK & SAP_FI_DOC_002 for Structure Table ZARIXFI2 Hi Gurus, We have noticed in ST04 Performance Table ZARIXFI2 had the highest reads of 31,972,142,607. We suspect this can cause performance bottlenecks to our system. I found a workaround in sap note 2179637.
However I would like to ask you on why seems almost all tcodes are accessing the ZARIXFI2 including MIGO & MIRO? Thanks. Regards, Fongoodty | | Reply to this email to post your response. __.____._ | In the Spotlight Become a blogger at and share your expertise with the community. Start today. _.____.__ |