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[sap-acct] Bank Account Number from FULL IBAN?

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Question from Timon0 on Jun 29 at 7:19 PM
Hi all.

I have a question for SAP for both ECC 6.0 as well as Business One. Your answer is probably going to be the same for both versions.

As we all know, in SAP are different fields for both parameters ''IBAN'' and ''Bank Account Number''. This isn't the same because IBAN contains starting two letters plus on second and third position two digits. I would like to know for ALL IBAN countries, common ones* and not so common ones**, if the automated money transmit (functionality of sap) will work correctly if I may, for IBAN countries (* **) create the rule in the following quoted text:

"As IBAN, always type ENTIRE iban code, including first two positions that are letters representing the country. As Bank Account Number from IBAN financial institution, type the same value BUT exclude first FOUR positions and, IF on 5th position is blank space then exclude it too. The ''Bank Account Number" field is therefore everything what remains."

To simplify: I am asking for every single IBAN country (* **), without a single exception, if is valid approach according to my rule above? I would like to avoid having to research how to get only account number from IBAN so above quoted rule would be perfect, I am only asking if is valid one? 100% random chosen example of 100% randomly picked country (to explain better my question) is the following:

CH93 0076 2011 6238 5295 7

note: on 5th position is blank space.

So according to quoted text the value in Bank Account Number is:

0076 2011 6238 5295 7

I am only asking if such approach is also valid to have a guarantee sap will 100% work correctly so request for automated money transmit will arrive to financial institution and will be executed for physical transmit of money according to my chosen transaction type?

Example at the bottom of the following link (please check the link):

http://help.sap.com/saphelp_rc10/helpdata/en/60/ce 584038aecd01e10000000a155106/content.htm

says rule in quoted text isn't correct but in my ideal situation (avoiding further work/research) and based on few sources i have found so far, is that the quoted text could be correct.

Even the big table on the following link:

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Bank_A ccount_Number

indicates my idea in quoted text isn't valid. I am sure you are asking yourself why would I want to avoid a work on figuring out exact syntax (length) of bank account number within iban country if table provides me this already. I have two answers on this. First is that this table on wiki link doesn't contain ALL iban countries. Second is that I found few sources stating bank account number formats for iban countries differently. Would like to kindly ask you to please do Not tell me to just use the table on that wiki webpage because what I need from you is comment on quoted text above (the rule).

Could I please get your comment on that? Oh and I need to describe also this:

* common IBAN countries: Italy, Germany,...

** not so common IBAN countries: Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Svalbard and Jan Mayen, Wallis and Futuna, Tunisia, Qatar, Lebanon, Guadeloupe, Isle of Man, French Polynesia, French Guyana, Iran, Senegal and so on,...

So I am asking for review of my idea (quoted text rule) for every single IBAN country.

Thank you in advance.
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