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Reply from LCC352 on Jul 6 at 11:41 AM Unfortunately, a screen shot will not get all the values that could be in a variant. You would only see the ones on the first screen and would have to drill into every multi-select screen used I know there is a function to read the variants, but I can't remember what it is. Perhaps one of the ABAPers would know. If you have access to SE38 or sometimes SE84 and put in the program name, you can display the variants used in that program. That will tell you all values, even if there is more than one value "behind the scenes". SE93 will tell you the name of the program for the transaction. In your case, the program behind IW72 is RIAUFK20. Good luck! - Lou
| | | ---------------Original Message--------------- From: ArshadQureshi Sent: Wednesday, July 04, 2012 10:24 AM Subject: SAP Display and Layout Variants in ERP 4.7 I have created some variants as per my work requirement in IW72. I want to save these variant's data in EXCEL sheet. I mean normally variants are created and criteria in Display & Layout are forgotten. So for my reference If I want to re-call that what criteria I have saved in IW72 and what Layout input I have given for Layout then what I should do that this data is available in EXCEL sheet. One Conventional way is that I go to those field of IW72 (one by one ) and note down. And then go to Layout Variant and note down the Columns. And save somewhere. I require some Transaction Name or some automatic way that I go to that Variant and by click of button it transfer to Excel Sheet | | Reply to this email to post your response. __.____._ | _.____.__ |