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Reply from Ricardo Pena on Apr 10 at 9:48 AM Hi, First use HANA Studio to confirm this user and password you are setting on hdbuserstore is really working. Maybe you need to change an initial password. hdbuserstore is created for specific OS user ID, you can have different settings for different IDs on the same server. If you set hdbuserstore on this server with your own user ID and SAP try connect with sidadm it won't work. Or if you setup hdbuserstore with HANA sidadm and try connect with solman sidadm it won't work as well. You can try use option -u with hdbuserstore to specify the user that will perform this connection. Atenciosamente, Ricardo Pena
| | | ---------------Original Message--------------- From: robert_calimares Sent: Friday, April 10, 2015 6:46 AM Subject: HANA: Connection Refuse On HDB User Store Check Hello experts. We're configuring technical monitoring for SAP HANA, following the guide: ed System Setup of HANA in Solution Manager 7.1 We've installed SAPHost Agent and Diagnostics Agent, registered in our SolMan and checked that everything is fine. Also, we've created the HANA user MONITOR and changed the initial password. Now we're experiencing problems in the "Setup HDB User Store for SAP Host Agent" step. We've successfully added a user to HDBUSERSTORE: HANAmachine:/usr/sap/H01/HDB00> cd /usr/sap/hdbclient HANAmachine:/usr/sap/hdbclient> hdbuserstore LIST H01SAPDBCTRL KEY H01SAPDBCTRL ENV : HANAmachine:30015 USER: MONITOR but when we try to check the configuration with the command "/usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/sapdbctrl status H01 -t hdb", we obtain the following error: HANAmachine:/usr/sap/hdbclient> cd /usr/sap/hostctrl/exe HANAmachine:/usr/sap/hostctrl/exe> sapdbctrl status H01 -t hdb ERROR: SQLDriverConnect: Connect with userkey failed! :08S01:1:-10709:[SAP AG][LIBODBCHDB SO][HDBODBC] Communication link failure;-10709 Connection failed (RTE:[89006] System call 'connect' failed, rc=111:Connection refused) NOTE: We've set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH enviromental variable: For root: HANAmachine:~ # echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH HANAmachine:~ # LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/sap/hostctrl/exe HANAmachine:~ # export LD_LIBRARY_PATH HANAmachine:~ # echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/sap/hostctrl/exe For h01adm: HANAmachine:/usr/sap/hdbclient> echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/sap/H01/HDB00/exe:/usr/sap/H01/HDB00/exe/Pytho n/lib:/usr/sap/H01/HDB00/exe/filter:/usr/sap/H01/HD B00/exe/dat_bin_dir:/usr/sap/H01/HDB00/exe/plugins/af l:/usr/sap/H01/HDB00/exe/plugins/lcapps:/usr/sap/H0 1/HDB00/exe/plugins/repository:/usr/sap/H01/SYS/glo bal/hdb/federation HANAmachine:/usr/sap/hdbclient> LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/sap/hostctrl /exe HANAmachine:/usr/sap/hdbclient> export LD_LIBRARY_PATH HANAmachine:/usr/sap/hdbclient> echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/sap/H01/HDB00/exe:/usr/sap/H01/HDB00/exe/Pytho n/lib:/usr/sap/H01/HDB00/exe/filter:/usr/sap/H01/HD B00/exe/dat_bin_dir:/usr/sap/H01/HDB00/exe/plugins/af l:/usr/sap/H01/HDB00/exe/plugins/lcapps:/usr/sap/H0 1/HDB00/exe/plugins/repository:/usr/sap/H01/SYS/glo bal/hdb/federation:/usr/sap/hostctrl/exe Could you help us, please? Thanks in advance | | Reply to this email to post your response. __.____._ | In the Spotlight Become a blogger at and share your expertise with the community. Start today. _.____.__ |