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RE:[sap-log-sd] Consigment Stock - SAP

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Reply from hovering_yogi on Mar 9 at 4:51 AM
I'm not aware of any standard report that will fulfill your needs so you'll need to do something custom although that's easy to achieve using the document flow table VBFA. I don't understand why though a customer would care what the original delivery number was - they could put the stock wherever they like and consume it in any order potentially consuming many orders across a single issue - do they really tell you that much detail in what they've consumed? And if you're calling off in a first supplied first used basis then it's quite likely you will span a delivery so make sure you cope with that.

Surely all the customer cares about is being billed for how much they tell you they have used or do they need some kind of tracking for audit purposes?

---------------Original Message---------------
From: kevinkenny01
Sent: Thursday, March 05, 2015 10:29 AM
Subject: Consigment Stock - SAP

Hi people!
I´m trying to find out a report that shows the KB order numbers with stock (the ones that are not billed yet or thoose that were partially billed).
For example, if a client received 100 units of a product in 3 diferents KB, lets say, KB 01 20 units / KB 02 70 units / KB 03 10 units, and I already billed 50 units creating KE related to KB 02, there is a report that could show that KB01 has 20 units / KB02 now has 20 units and KB 10 units?.
I already get a repor that gives me wich is the consignment stock that every customer in their stock, but it doesn't shows the KB numbers.
I would really appreciate some help with this!!
Thanks in advance,

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