Reply from Surjit on Sep 24 at 2:47 AM Issue #1: ## With spilt stack option, you can opt to move your PI system to JAVA single stack, PI as JAVA stack only is fully supported by SAP and covers more than 95% features of traditional dual-stack PI. Issue #2: ## If PI upgrade is not in scope, then 1. creating a homogeneous copy for BW source system 2. Deinstall JAVA add-in from BW using SAPinst 3. perform BI-JAVA connectivity as post-activity(connect to PI-JAVA may be an option here) 4 then performing upgrade can be an option. Issue #3: ## Yes, Splitting & moving PI to as JAVA only is recommended as SAP do not support dual-stack installations any more(PI & SOLMAN are the only exceptions so far, may be planned for future) Dual-stack split tool provides feature of separation of SAP NetWeaver BW 7.0 dual-stack deployments. Issue #4: ## As per my thoughts, It should not impact migration to HANA anyways raisiing a support message to SAP will be helpful. Hope this may help. It would be better if you could share your system release info also. Regards Surjit
| | | ---------------Original Message--------------- From: SUHAS KULKARNI Sent: Monday, September 22, 2014 8:14 AM Subject: SAP BW to HANA migration, PI exisits on the same system Hi All, Currently our BW system is on NW 7.01 as a dual stack.We are performing BW to HANA migration (NW 7.01 to 7.4).We have just learned that PI is currently configured on the same BWsystem and uses the same SID for PI.From BW for example, we can performSXMB_IFR or SXMB_ADM or check inbond/outbound queues etc. Issue #1: It is our understanding that PI 7.01 is a dual stack system and has toremain dual stack in this release.On the other hand, in order to perform BW to HANA migration, we arerequired to split Java stack first, if we were to do that then it willbreak PI. Issue #2: PI upgrade is not in scope.If we upgrade BW to 7.4, it will automatically upgrade PI since its onthe same system. Can we still use existing PI functionalities aftermigration/upgrade or need to perform other activities. Also, BW 7.4is not a dual stack, instead the Java instance will be MCOD on the sameHANA appliance.Any possibility we can upgrade BW to 7.4 leaving PI as is unaffected onthe same system? Issue #3: Since PI is integrated with BW on the same system, if we try to splitPItaking export via SWPM, it will bring all the contents of BW along inthe export. Is there any recommended way to split PI off to its ownsystem and then perform Java split on BW and migration to HANA. Issue #4:We are using BW to HANA migration scenario, if we have PIconfigurations, contents and integrations in the BW, will that impactthe BW to HANA migration process. Please advise on what should be the approach to handle this scenario. Regards, Suhas | | Reply to this email to post your response. __.____._ | _.____.__ |