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RE:[sap-basis] Same TR But Showing Different User in Import Queue in All System (Dev, QUA, PRD)

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Reply from D. Caddick on Jun 25 at 12:11 PM

The Owner is the Creator of the Transport Request, and not necessarily the person who released the transport request.

When you select the more icon/function you will see the User ID who imported the transport request too.


---------------Original Message---------------
From: Guest_User
Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2014 2:10 AM
Subject: Same TR But Showing Different User in Import Queue in All System (Dev, QUA, PRD)

Hi All,

I am facing a problem with the "User" column in Import history page.

Here is the navigation: STMS --> Import overview--> SID-->Go to --> Import history-->Edit--> Display More

Transport request is same in all, but I can see different user ID in import history of Dev, Qua and Production,

Can anybody please tell me from where the userID is picked from.

Please Help.

Thanks in advance.


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D. Caddick  

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