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Reply from sd007 on May 31 at 8:56 AM Dear All, I think extended memory is getting all used up at peak time. em/initial_size_MB - (em/global_area_MB + abap/shared_objects_size_MB) em/global_area_MB = 255 abap/shared_objects_size_MB = 300 em/initial_size_MB = 4096 Extended memory Dialog session kB 1,953,125 Nondialog sess. kB 1,953,125 Available kB 4,190,208 Used kB 802,816 Maximum used kB 4,190,208 I think respective extended memory parameter "em/initial_size_MB" should be higher. Is there any formula to set respective parameter as I search I didn't find any standard SAP note. We have 64 GB physical memory available. Any idea guys? Thanks, Regards,
| | | ---------------Original Message--------------- From: sd007 Sent: Friday, May 23, 2014 12:23 AM Subject: EP Portal - SRM System Logon Groups Integration Dear All, We have below systems in our landscape SRM EHP2 FOR SAP SRM 7.0 and EP Portal 7.0. SRM configuration - 40 Core / 64 GB ram/ 40 Dia/ 8 background processes. Ci + 2 AI = 3 instances. Currently I am looking for SRM side and I found many work processes are going in "PRIV" mode as I check further I noticed there are no users logging in on 2 application instances which are present in SRM system. After checking AL08 transaction I notice all users Plugin Users are logged into CI node and no gui user/plugin users are available in Application instances. I checked SMLG and logon group is already in place. I have 0 knowledge in portal :( , I have no idea how Portal users are logging to SRM CI node and how logon load balancing is not happening. Kindly advice how we can solve respective concern of "PRIV" mode and logon groups. Thank you, SD | | Reply to this email to post your response. __.____._ | In the Spotlight Become a blogger at and share your expertise with the community. Start today. _.____.__ |