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Re: [sap-log-sd] Free Goods for Combination of Particular Items

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Reply from abhi_ban on May 17 at 5:53 AM
Suppose the scenario is like that for buying product of minimum ?Rs.500/-,1 No of Product D is given.But i need that ?Rs 500/- or more ?will have to combination of product A,B & C.Means product selection in the sales order should be such that it contains product A,B & C as line items and should the total value of those be minimum 500/- and above.If anybody buys minimum 500/- product but don't have the combination of A,B & C,will not get D as free product.Now is it clear?

---------------Original Message---------------
From: srikant
Sent: Friday, May 16, 2014 11:41 PM
Subject: Free Goods for Combination of Particular Items

Hi Abhi,

Could you elaborate further on your requirement?
1) when all the 3 items are present in your order, the item D must be free when the total value of 3 items is RS 500
SAP has the Free goods functionality when there are 2 Items but in the above case how it is derived when there are 3 items and 4th item for a free goods determination
2) what about the quantity of the free good for the D item


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