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Reply from ha_tran on Mar 9 at 9:02 PM Hi, Did you check if the related delivery was not seen in the PO history tab? If yes, did you try to create a new delivery for the STO item quantity of "4"? If you check in EKET table did you see if the item has been issued? Cheers, HT
| | | ---------------Original Message--------------- From: dillip nayak Sent: Friday, March 07, 2014 7:18 AM Subject: Delivery Quantity More than PO Quantity Hi friends, In an old STO of 2000, I see the PO qty for a particular line item is 4 where as the delivery qty is 8. The over delivery tolerance is 10% only. How can this be corrected? The delivery doc. doesn't exist in the system. Thanks in advance | | Reply to this email to post your response. __.____._ | _.____.__ |