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[sap-log-ps] How the Earliest Scheduled Finish Execution Time is Calculated?

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Question from digiovannir on Feb 9 at 12:44 PM
Hi, I am testing scheduling scenarios in network activities and I realize that finish execution time is not calculated properly (or not how the user expects)

i.e: The normal duration required to carry out the activity is 5 H and the work involved is 5 H too. If the activity starts today at 07:00:00 the earliest scheduled finish time should be 12:00:00; however 12:35:18 is displayed in the date tab. Why?

In the work center the capacity Start of the shift is 07:00:00, Finish at 16:30:00 and length of breaks is 01:00:00.

In the Parameters for Network Scheduling I set Forward scheduling type.

I will appreciate your help... Thank in advance.

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