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[sap-log-pp] Repetitive Manufacturing Mid Point Confirmation / Component Backflush

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Question from KIRKUPM on Feb 10 at 10:06 AM
The scenario is that we use repetitive manufacturing and allocated the BOM materials to the appropriate routing operation so we can do cost by operation reporting.

Currently we only do one final confirmation at the end of the sub assembly production process to backflush all of the components but in the future we want to do a confirmation at an early operation where most of the components are consumed.

During testing I found that if I do a confirmation at the operation required it only backflushes components at that operation and not components at a previous operation which has not had one carried out yet. Also when a final confirmation is done this is also not confirming the other components used that have not already had a backflush carried out and this is because the final confirmation does not have components allocated to it.

I know that in a production order environment that this is not a problem but our plant want to stick with repetitive because of its simplicity in the planning situation.

I am hoping that there is a way to configure the REM profile to allow this but so far I haven't found the solution.

I am hoping that someone has been through a similar scenario and found a solution other than moving back to production orders or splitting the BOM's/Routing's out into more sub assembly points.

In my mind repetitive should be used for fast moving production that does not require multiple confirmation points because the production should be so quick that backflushing the components should not be an issue but in reality at our company this does not reflect reality.

I would appreciate any thoughts or suggestions as soon as possible.

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