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Question from Kam Myers on Feb 24 at 11:51 AM In the US, our new hires or rehires are only eligible for benefits on the first of the month after 30 days of service. Each year, in November and December, we have two different problems with our flexible spending account (FSA) offers. For any employees hired in October, the FSA is presented in the enrollment workbench (RPUBENENROL) with a validity period of 12/1/XXXX to 12/31/XXXX, where XXXX is the current year. While this does honor the eligibility rule correctly, the following year's validity period is never presented in the enrollment workbench. Our second problem is for any employees hired during November or December. The FSA is never offered in the enrollment workbench for the following year. Our HR representatives must remember to go into each employee's infotype 0170 anytime the employee is hired during November or December, which is cumbersome and should be unnecessary. Have any of you run into this issue before? I have researched this, but have been unable to come up with a solution yet. We are on version ECC 6.0 and current through HRSP 70. In 2009, we implemented user exit PBEN0038, which delimits the validity of the flexible spending account infotype to the end of the calendar year instead of 12/31/9999. Thank you for any information you may have! | Reply to this email to post your response. __.____._ | In the Spotlight Become a blogger at and share your expertise with the community. Start today. _.____.__ |