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[sap-acct] ABAP dump error, while executing F110(PMW)

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Question from Godavari_SAP on Feb 19 at 9:25 AM
Hello Friends - When I executed Payment run, I am getting below error. Payment Method is PMW and I maintained Variant correctly in OBPM4.

Step 002 started (program SAPFPAYM_SCHEDULE, variant &0000000200068, user ID SAPUSER)
Internal session terminated with runtime error RAISE_EXCEPTION (see ST22)

After this, When I displayed Variant, It shows like this - Run Date 0//00/00/0. I am unable to understand how this field is filled with zeros.
When I tried to change it to Run Date and Identification, I am getting ABAP dump error message.

Can you pls give some inputs on how to fix this issue.

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